About Me

Michael Leube was born in Innsbruck, Austria but grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. He received his B.A. from the University of California at Berkeley (Anthropology and Comparative Religion) in 1994. After returning to Europe, he received his M.A. from the University of Vienna (Anthropology and Human Biology) in 1999 and his Ph.D. from the University of Zagreb (Anthropology) in 2003.

For the Wiener Zeitung, Leube worked as a journalist responsible for all topics concerning environmentalism. He worked on scientific assessments for development work in Guatemala (1999), India and Nepal (2000) and Kenya (2001.) From 2000 to 2013 he lived and worked as an anthropologist in Madrid and taught at various universities such as Universidad Nebrija, Syracuse University, University of California und Saint Louis University.

In the year 2013, he started to work full time as a professor of anthropology at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences in the department of Design and Product Management. That year proved as pivotal because since then Leube researches and teaches on the interface between anthropology and design with a constant focus on pro-sociality and sustainability. He is convinced that good design must be well adapted for Homo sapiens and that all industrial projects have to be confronted with the anthropological sciences. After returning to Madrid, Leube now works for the IE University in the school of architecture and design and as a freelance advisor and researcher. He lives with his wife and two daughters in Madrid. 


University of California at Berkeley


B.A. Cultural Anthropology (Minor: Comparative Religious Studies)

University of Vienna

M.A. Cultural Anthropology (Minor: Biological Anthropology)

University of Zagreb 


Ph.D. Anthropology

Thesis: “Culture and Evolution: Comparison of British Social Anthropology, American Cultural Anthropology and Vienna’s Kulturkreislehre”.



d.school Stanford

Empathize and Prototype: a Hands On Dive into the Key Tools of Design Thinking




CircularX: Circular Economy-An Introduction





Universidad Autonóma de Madrid/ Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala

Field-researcher in nutrition and anthropometrics for the evaluation of the intervention of international NGOs in the Lago Attitlan region

June-August 1999, Panajachel, Guatemala

AMREF (African Medical Research Foundation)

Field-research and assessment of primary/secondary schools and applied nutrition projects; writing of reports used for fundraising

July 2001, Mombassa, Kenya

Creative Handicrafts

Support and Field- research on sustainable development and empowerment of impoverished women

August 2002, Mumbay, India




German (Fluent: Written/Spoken)

Englisch (Fluent: Written/Spoken)

Spanish (Fluent: Spoken)


Martial Arts


2nd Degree Black Belt



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